New Jersey

Environmentalist Applaud Bill to Include Climate-Change Threats in State-Hazard Mitigation Plan Becoming Law.

TRENTON – The following statements are from Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV and Kelly Knutson, Director, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed regarding Governor Murphy signing into law bill 1530, which requires state and county hazard mitigation plans to include climate change-related threat assessments in hazard prevention and mitigation strategies. 

Governor Murphy Signs $10 Million Lakes Funding Bill (S-3618/A-5778)

The $10 million supplemental appropriation for grants for certain lake management activities for recreation and conservation purposes is the most significant investment in the Lake Hopatcong and Greenwood Lake areas in recent history. The bill recognizes that in these ecologically significant regions, lakes play a critical role to residents throughout the State by providing the supply of drinking water, watershed protection, recreational and conservation purposes.

Clean Water Advocacy Doesn’t Stop for a Pandemic: NJ Statehouse Education Week Goes Virtual

With an unpredictable and challenging year at a close, the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed has continued to adapt in order to advance critical protections for the watershed. During a traditional Statehouse Education Day, organizations across New Jersey would typically make their way to Trenton to meet face-to-face with state senators and assembly members. However, due to Covid-19, Coalition member organizations connected with legislators for a highly successful and first-ever virtual New Jersey Statehouse Education Week.

Reflecting on Successful Advocacy:  NJ’s Comprehensive Plastics Law

It’s official. New Jersey is now home to the strongest, most comprehensive single-use plastics bill in the nation. When May 2022 rolls around, stores and food service businesses are prohibited from providing single-use plastic bags to customers. Paper bags will be prohibited in stores over 2,500 square feet. Disposable food containers and cups made out of polystyrene foam will also be banned. Additionally, the law also restricts food-service businesses from providing plastic straws, unless requested by a customer, beginning in November 2021.