
Advocating for Clean Water, Outdoor Access, and Wildlife Conservation During Hill Day 2024

Advocating for Clean Water, Outdoor Access, and Wildlife Conservation During Hill Day 2024

March 13th, nearly 60 members of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed met in-person with Members of Congress in Washington, DC for our eleventh annual Hill Day to educate offices on key policy and funding priorities that support conservation and restoration in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. 

New Jersey Coalition Members Hear from DEP and the Legislature About Efforts to Address PFAS in our Waterways

CDRW’s New Jersey members have been busy the last couple of months. We had the opportunity to hear from both the Department of Environmental Protection and NJ Assemblyman Brandon Umba about ongoing efforts to address the impact of PFAS in New Jersey waterways.

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are manmade chemical toxins that pose a significant threat to public health, water quality and wildlife. PFAS have been linked to severe human health impacts, including cancer. These substances are present in many of the products that we use in our everyday lives and they have been found virtually everywhere, from the Arctic to the Delaware River.

To Honor Pride―Avoid Rainbow-washing this June and Beyond

What Rainbow-washing Means:

Every June, in honor of Pride, companies and organizations are quick to turn their logos rainbow to express their “allyship” of the LGBTQ+ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus).

This passive gesture, however, isn’t showcasing how brands actually support and advance LGBTQ+ rights, or promote inclusivity in their marketing, programmatic efforts, overall structure and more. This empty proclamation has a name, rainbow-washing, which alludes to promoting “equality” online while demonstrating minimal commitments to reducing oppressive policies posed onto marginalized communities.