State Policy

Pennsylvania Falls Short of Their Funding Commitment to the DRBC

(Harrisburg, PA) - July 11, 2022 - Governor Tom Wolf signed Pennsylvania’s 2023 budget into law on Friday, notably falling short of the Commonwealth’s commitment to fully fund the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). Despite the Governor’s initial budget proposal to fully fund the DRBC with more than the $893,000 that the Commonwealth agreed to, negotiations cut funding to $217,000, the same level that Pennsylvania has been funding the Commission at since 2014.

Pennsylvania Joins 11 Other States in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

PA joins the other Basin states (NY,NJ,DE) and eight others in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI/”Reggie”). “Reggie” is a multi-state cap and investment program designed to reduce carbon emissions generated by fossil-fuel fired power plants. Under this program, power plants pay "allowances" for the amount of emissions they create, and the revenue generated from those allowances gets reinvested in local communities impacted by power generation.

Governor Murphy Signs $10 Million Lakes Funding Bill (S-3618/A-5778)

The $10 million supplemental appropriation for grants for certain lake management activities for recreation and conservation purposes is the most significant investment in the Lake Hopatcong and Greenwood Lake areas in recent history. The bill recognizes that in these ecologically significant regions, lakes play a critical role to residents throughout the State by providing the supply of drinking water, watershed protection, recreational and conservation purposes.

Pennsylvania Shortchanges Delaware River Basin Commission Again in FY22 Budget

Governor Wolf signed the Commonwealth’s 2022 budget into law, providing less than 25% of Pennsylvania’s agreed upon contribution to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). This is concerning considering that more than 43% of Pennsylvanians reside in the Basin, and that the Commonwealth comprises more than 50% of the Basin’s land area.

The Clean Water for Delaware Act: Back in 2021!

In January 2020, clean water advocates from across the state of Delaware were crowded into a small room, huddled around a podium where Governor Carney was preparing to make the announcement we had all been waiting years to hear. State Senate and House leadership were in attendance, as well as reporters, staffers, public officials, and a few of our dedicated Water Warriors and Clean Water Alliance members. You could feel the excited buzz of anticipation throughout the room. When Governor Carney declared his commitment to dedicating $50 million in his budget for clean water initiatives and his support for House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst’s enabling legislation, the Clean Water for Delaware Act, the crowd responded with gratitude and earnest applause.

Clean Water Advocacy Doesn’t Stop for a Pandemic: NJ Statehouse Education Week Goes Virtual

With an unpredictable and challenging year at a close, the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed has continued to adapt in order to advance critical protections for the watershed. During a traditional Statehouse Education Day, organizations across New Jersey would typically make their way to Trenton to meet face-to-face with state senators and assembly members. However, due to Covid-19, Coalition member organizations connected with legislators for a highly successful and first-ever virtual New Jersey Statehouse Education Week.