Coalition Statement on the Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SCOTUS Ruling

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed is highly disappointed in the recent ruling of the Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency case by the Supreme Court. This decision has serious implications as it aligns with the long-standing demands of big polluters, endangering our communities, public health, and local ecosystems.

As a nation, we must do more to strengthen the protection of our waterways rather than roll them back. It is disheartening that the Court has disregarded the widespread support from the American people who strongly advocate for robust federal protections for our waters, as demonstrated by more than three in four individuals in this country.

Of particular concern is the detrimental impact this ruling will have on the most vulnerable members of our society, including indigenous communities, communities of color, and those already burdened by pollution and climate disasters. By limiting the EPA's jurisdiction, this decision exacerbates the risks to their health and well-being.

At the Coalition, we firmly believe that it is crucial to utilize every available tool at our disposal to prevent the destruction of our wetlands and the pollution of our streams by big polluters. While this ruling presents a setback, it is absolutely essential to ensure that our region, which supplies drinking water to 13.3 million people, accounting for more than 4% of the total U.S. population, is safeguarded against any adverse effects on clean water, wildlife, and human health.

Weakening protections under the Clean Water Act and revising the Waters of the US definition is bad public policy. We call upon Congress and state officials nationwide to swiftly take action in order to prevent harmful pollutants from entering the waterways that ultimately feed into our rivers, lakes, and drinking water sources. Furthermore, it is essential that the Environmental Protection Agency acts promptly within the bounds set by the Court's decision to safeguard streams, wetlands, and other water bodies.

As a network of over 180 basin stakeholders, we are eager to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborate on the challenges presented by this ruling. Together, we can work towards a future where the Delaware River Watershed and its invaluable resources are preserved, allowing for clean, healthy, and sustainable water for present and future generations.

Kelly Knutson


Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed